Wednesday 20 August 2008

Damon Albarn: 'Children Should Be Forced To Read Music'

Former Blur frontman Damon Albarn says children interested in medicine should be �forced� to learn how to take it.

"If you don't study to say music, and so there's a whole custom that becomes very exclusive and shouldn't be," Albarn told a BBC magazine.

His comments fall in reception to a report that suggested children could obtain an A-grade in GCSE music without knowing staff notation.

"The estimate of it being completely absent from the to the highest degree important exams of your childhood is disgraceful," Albarn, who of late staged his Opera, Monkey, at the Royal Opera House in London, said.

"I used to write for small orchestras when I was 15. I sold my soulfulness to the devil and became a pop star and forgot about it, but in the past few years I give got support into orchestration after an almost 20-year hiatus.

�I'm so slow now, and if I'd just kept it [up]. I think anyone interested in music should be forced to watch that discipline.�

Teachers have argued that staff notation is less crucial for the increasing number of children who ar keen to learn less traditional instruments.

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